Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Of Why I Never Loved Again

Is love then just another sentiment?
Men have transformed its virtue into resentment.
It has become a feeling, no longer a commitment.
No longer does it live in memory, it remains a moment.

Before, love was not only a word.
Thought, Dreamt, Spoken and Heard.
Oh no! It was an ever-sacred promise;
Never to be broken, never to diminish.

I quote not Shakespeare and other romanticists,
Who speak of love in terms of that and this.
I quote not Turgenev and other realists,
Who speak of love in terms of those and these.

When love ceases to be love,
It has lost its essence from Above.
It becomes either infatuation or lust.
Until love is no more but negligible dust.

I have not loved again since before;
Before that day when she closed the door.
I did not see her again the next day.
Love no longer exists; In my heart, it has died away.


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